Sacred Dance with Terry Hennessy & Betty White
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandBring joy and harmony to your heart at this springtime of the year. Easy steps to beautiful music guided by Terry Hennessy and Betty White. ‘At each dance session Brigid’s Light is brought to our sacred space and acts as a focal point. Dances are selected in keeping with the theme we are celebrating, and […]
Lenten Meditation Series – March 9th
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us over three evenings for reflection, compassion practices and sharing during the Lent: 09/03/23 – An Invitation to Inner Solitude ‘Solitude is a courageous encounter with our naked, most raw and real self, in the presence of pure love’ - Richard Rohr Join us over three evenings for reflection, compassion practices and sharing during […]
Sacred Dance with Terry Hennessy & Betty White
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandSacred dance helps bring about harmony between body, mind and spirit and creates a real sense of belonging and a feeling of togetherness. Terry and Betty will guide us gently and mindfully through sacred movement that allows us to experience balance, joy and inner peace. “Life is the dance and you are the dancer’ […]
Spring Equinox
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandWe invite you to join with us as we mark the Spring Equinox, a point of balance in the year’s yearly cycle. “There is a power that has been since all eternity, and that force and potentiality is green!” wrote the sage Hildegard of Bingen. We also mark the Feast of the Annunciation a story […]
Lenten Meditation Series – March 23rd
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us over three evenings for reflection, compassion practices and sharing during the Lent: 23/03/23 - An Invitation to the Wellsprings of Life ‘What makes the desert beautiful,' said the little prince, 'is that somewhere it hides a well..’ ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince Suggested Donation €5
Lenten Meditation Series – March 30th
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us over three evenings for reflection, compassion practices and sharing during the Lent: 30/03/23 – An Invitation to Forgiveness ‘Among the most powerful of human experiences is to give or receive forgiveness’ - Richard Rohr Suggested Donation €5
Sacred Dance – Journey to Easter
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us as we celebrate our journey to Easter through dance and reflection. Easy steps to beautiful music guided by Terry Hennessy and Betty White. ‘There is something quite mystical in the grace and fluidity of dance’ - Deirdre Ní Chinneide “Life is the dance and you are the dancer’ – Eckhart Tolle Time: 10:00am […]
Conference: Brigid: Woman of Mystery, Woman of Inspiration
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandConference: Brigid: Woman of Mystery, Woman of Inspiration Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 10:30am – 4:00pm. Cost: €25.00 (inclusive of light lunch) Venue: Solas Bhride Centre, Tully Road Kildare Town R51 Y281 'Boss Brigid: the lasting legacy of the founder of Kildare' In this talk Dr Wycherley will discuss the early history of Brigid and […]
A Celebration of Bealtaine
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandMay 2nd - A Celebration of Bealtaine “Just living is not enough” said the butterfly “One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower” - Hans Christian Anderson “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi In our Bealtaine celebration we look forward to welcoming summer and marking […]
Sacred Circle Dance at Solas Bhride
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us as we celebrate May and the coming of Summer through dance and reflection on Wednesday, 24th May. Venue: Solas Bhride Centre Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm Cost: €15.00 Facilitated by: Terry Hennessy & Betty White “In a society that worships love, freedom and beauty, Dance is sacred. It is a prayer for the future, […]
Celebrating Mid-Summer Light – Solstice Time
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandWithout the sun (at its precise distance from us) there would be no life on earth. Without the tilt of our axis, there would be no seasons. These are the cosmic truths within which we have our life, our breath, our being. All that occurs within the course of a year is but an outworking of this relationship with […]
Walking in the footsteps of St. Brigid – Pilgrimage Day
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandDrawing wisdom from ancestral wellsprings. On this pilgrim journey we invite you to spend time in reflection, to visit sites associated with St. Brigid with a long spiritual heritage, to slow the pace and feed the spirit. Date: Saturday, July 1st Time: 10.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. Assemble at Solas Bhride Centre, Tully Road Cost: […]
“The Wisdom of Trees” A National Heritage Week Event
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandFrom ancient mythology and folklore, we know that our Celtic ancestors worshipped trees long before science discovered the benefits they provide for the environment.
Season of Creation – Meditation Series (Part 1)
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday, September 14th Season of Creation Meditation Series “Let justice and peace flow…” “We need to move from a spirituality of alienation from the natural world to a spirituality of intimacy with the natural world.” Thomas Berry Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the work of the Centre) In person and online event.. We invite you […]
Sacred Circle Dance
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandWednesday September 20th Sacred Circle Dance “If people stand in a circle long enough, they’ll eventually begin to dance.” George Carlin Facilitators: Terry Hennessy, Betty White Join Terry and Betty for an enriching experience of circle dance. They will lead you in simple dance steps to beautiful music. It is a type of dance where […]
Season of Creation – Meditation Series (Part 2)
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday, September 21st Meditation during Season of Creation The divine communicates to us primarily through the language of the natural world. Not to hear the natural world is not to hear the divine. Thomas Berry Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the work of the Centre) In person and online event.. We invite you to join […]
Culture Night: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox, a time of Balance
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandSeptember 22nd Culture Night: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox, a time of Balance Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolour, Summer an oil painting, and Autumn a mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz Admission free: The Autumn Equinox heralds a season filled with change, celebrates the harvest and ushers in the brilliant beauty of letting […]
Season of Creation – Meditation Series (Part 3)
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday, September 28th Meditation during the Season of Creation The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence. Thomas Berry Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the […]
Sacred Circle Dance
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandWednesday October 18th Sacred Circle Dance “If people stand in a circle long enough, they’ll eventually begin to dance.” George Carlin Facilitators: Terry Hennessy, Betty White Join Terry and Betty for an enriching experience of circle dance. They will lead you in simple dance steps to beautiful music. It is a type of dance where […]
Samhain: The End of the Old and the Beginning of the New
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, Ireland“At this time of year when nature sleeps, we pause and consider our own humanity as temporal and as eternal beings” Book of Kells.
In November we Remember.
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday November 9th: In November we Remember. “Everything is stored within your soul within the temple of your memory… John O Donohue Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the work of the Centre) November is the month for remembering. Memories can evoke feeling of comfort and joy, but they can also fill us with […]
In November we Remember
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us for a meditative reflection on how grief can be a bridge between our human inheritance and our legacy.
Sacred Circle Dance
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, Ireland“If people stand in a circle long enough, they’ll eventually begin to dance.” George Carlin
In November we Remember
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandJoin us for a meditative reflection on creation and how we can not only respond but try to deeply understand what loss and grief in nature is saying to us.
Advent Meditation Series
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday, November 30th – Advent Meditation Series “The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before… So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running.” —Jan L. Richardson, artist Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the work of the […]
Advent Meditation Series
Solas Bhride Centre Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road,, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, IrelandThursday, December 7th – Advent Meditation Series “Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush.” —Anonymous Suggested donation: €5.00 (to support the work of the Centre) We invite you to join us for the 2nd evening of reflection and meditation during the season of Advent Advent is a time […]