St. Brigid of Kildare

5235823876_99bb25b3ab_b Julie Feeney is an Irishcomposer, singer, song-writer, record producer, musician, theatreartist, orchestrator from Galway, Ireland. With a background as a professional choral singer, she composes instrumental and electronic music, and songs with full orchestrations.Julie recently received rave reviews for her sell-out headline show at the National Concert Hall, Dublin for which she scored all of her music for herself solo with the RTE Concert Orchestra
Dates and Time(s) Sunday, September 15th at 8.00 p.m.
Host SolasBhride Team
Location St. Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare Town.
It is a great privilege to have such a unique venue in Kildare town and to showcase it with such a talented artist is a wonderful opportunity for an enjoyable evening for those of us who enjoy beautiful music and sound.
Booking Tickets available through:Kildare Heritage Centre (Market House), Kildare Town,  045530672,
Boyle’s Pub, Market Square, Kildare Town –  045 521214
On-line ticket sales on website .
If you have any difficulties accessing any of these you can
contact Suzanne Doyle directly on 087 9521232.