St. Brigid of Kildare

The Official Opening of the new Solas Bhride Spirituality CentFor Websitere and Hermitages, situated on Tully Road, Kildare Town will take place at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, January 30th 2015.
Eimear Quinn, national and international singer will cut the tape. Bishop Denis Nulty, Kildare & Leighlin will bless the Centre. The tape cutting ceremony will be followed by music, dance and song to mark the special occasion.
The new Centre is a continuation and expansion of the ministry of the Brigidine Sisters in Dara Park, Kildare town since 1992, where they welcomed people of all faiths and none in their search for meaning.
The large numbers of visitors/pilgrims, local, national and international visiting Dara Park created an urgent need for a larger centre.Solearth Ecological Architecture designed The Centre, which is in the shape of a St. Brigid’s cross, with the centre of the cross featuring an internal garden and circular and semi-circular rooms. Ecological sustainability is an integral part of the Centre. Manley Construction Ltd has already received two national awards for the building’s sustainable features. There are three hermitages available for those who wish to take time out from the busyness of life and nourish themselves in mind, body and spirit. It is a truly unique building and the rich symbolism throughout reflects the life and legacy of St. Brigid.
The Board of Directors and The Brigidine Sisters are delighted to have realised this magnificent Centre in the midst of a very difficult time in the Irish Construction industry and are grateful to all who contributed in so many ways to make this possible. They hope that those who come to the Centre will be facilitated in their search for a meaningful spirituality through the unfolding of the spiritual and cultural heritage of St. Brigid and its relevance for the 21st century.