St. Brigid of Kildare


“Ancient Wisdom for New Times”

“Stand at the crossroad and look
Learn from the ancient paths
Which was the good way?
Take it!”
Jer. 6: 16

Celtic Spirituality has a profound sense of the presence of God in everyone and in everything. It is a spirituality nourished by ritual, tradition, contemplation, experience and story.

“God is not all in one place complete, God is in the bits and pieces of everyday, a kiss here, a smile there, and sometimes tears.”

Patrick Kavanagh

The legends and lives of the early Irish saints especially that of St. Brigid, have great appeal today. They have much to teach us about:

  • The ecological survival of the planet
  • The need to reach out and include the marginalized in our society.
  • The importance of women’s leadership
  • The need for contemplation
  • The need for an awareness of the presence of God in all creation.

St. Brigid is emerging once again at a time of transition in the universe. Her stories are being retold with a new relevance for our time.

Key elements of Celtic spirituality reflected in her stories and legends are:well-lane

– Hospitality and welcome for the stranger – each guest was none other than Christ

– The sense of past, present, and the future weaving, like the Celtic knot, into a sense of timelessness.

– Sense of Divine force – “energy” in nature – “I arise today in the strength of heaven, sun and moon shining, flame in my heart, flashing of lightening, wind in its swiftness, firmness of rock.” The Deer’s Cry

– No formal distinction between the material world and the spiritual world

– Close bonding with the dead

– A deep awareness of journey – the journey outward as well as the journey inward

– A love of silence and solitude

– Prayer , blessing and ritual for the ordinary daily tasks of life

– A recognition of the Trinity

The tradition of Anamchara, soul friend, is closely associated with the Celtic tradition and Brigid in particular. She was a wise soul friend who was a mentor, guide and companion to many on their life journey. The soul friend was considered indispensable. Brigid is reputed to have reminded a young cleric that “anyone without a soul friend is like a body without a head.”

Reflection: Brigid Prayer2360180

Brigid you were a woman of peace,
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light into the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace
Cover those who are troubled and anxious,
And may peace be firmly rooted
In our hearts and in our world.
Inspire us to act justly and reverence all God has made.
Brigid, you were a voice for the wounded and the weary.
Strengthen what is weak within us.
Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.
May we grow each day into greater
Wholeness in mind, body and spirit.


Solas Bhride Community