St. Brigid of Kildare

“Within our darkest night a fire is kindled that never dies away” Please join us in celebrating something greater than ourselves, as we prepare for the great feast of Christmas, when we celebrate the Incarnation of God first in creation and then in the person of Jesus.

In ancient Ireland December was a time of fear of the growing darkness, but it was also a time of hope based on past experience that the light would again begin to break through before the month ended.  That hope was celebrated with a festival at the winter solstice on December 21st.

Darkness can be positive.
Darkness is a beautiful gift although it can be very painful.
The seed in the earth must have darkness in order to grow.
We were fashioned and formed in the darkness of our mother’s womb.
Darkness can lead to transformation.

It is here, between the darkness and the light,
That we wait, uncertain
Seeking the moment
That challenges us to believe
In a freshly minted miracle

Born every Christmas day.
John Matthews

Date:    TBC
Venue:    TBC
Time:    TBC