Many people gathered at Solas Bhríde for the launch of the 31st Annual Féile Bhríde.
2024 is a special year as we commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the death of St. Brigid Geraldine Moore of Solas Bhride said: “We are delighted to present a varied and interesting programme of events which aim to highlight the life and legacy of St. Brigid. Many national and international visitors are expected to visit Kildare Town during the Féile. A packed program will focus on the many attributes of St Brigid through dance, music, poetry, walks, talks, crafts, meditation, and discussion. There are also a number of online events for people who cannot attend in person. The full programme of events can be viewed on the Féile Events Page
At the launch Rita Minehan spoke of the importance of the Pause for Peace initiative. “At 12 noon on February 1st, people will be invited to Pause for Peace for 1 minute. The global Pause for Peace Movement was launched in Kildare last year to mark the new national holiday in honour of St. Brigid. The people of Kildare call on people worldwide to pause for 1 minutes silence for peace in the world at 12 noon local time on St. Brigid’s Day. The Pause for Peace is gaining widespread support both nationally and internationally. A recent training day for Peace Ambassadors in Solas Bhríde for post-primary students from Co. Kildare is garnering much support and action for the Pause for Peace.”
Phil O’Shea said that the exciting growth and success of the Féile has its source in the energy and efforts of the community from which it sprang. She went on to say “We are delighted once again to network with Afri, the Education Centre, the Heritage Centre and Kildare Town Library in presenting an exciting Féile Bríde Programme for 2024.”
She also thanked the Solas Bhríde team, Cairde BhrÍde and the Festival Committee for their creativity, hard work and commitment in the development of the Féile Programme, and for overseeing the events.
The Féile Progamme of events is made possible by the sponsorship of Kildare County Council through the Brigid 1500 Grant Scheme and the Brigidine Sisters Mission and Ministry Fund.
In her conclusion MC Geraldine Moore said, “We hope you enjoy participating in some of the very exciting events of the Féile. Solas Bhríde will hold other events throughout 2024 marking the 1500th anniversary of St. Brigid. You will find notice of these events on the Solas Bhríde website.”
For information on all events and to book online contact Solas Bhride Centre, Tully Road, Kildare town: email: or phone 045 522890.
For information on Afri Conference contact: or
For information on Kildare Heritage Centre events contact: Kildare Heritage, email: or phone 045 530672
For information on Kildare Education Centre or phone 045530200
For information on Kildare Town Library or phone 045520235
For further information on Brigid 1500 events